Rollbar In-Depth Review: Features & Alternatives (2023 Updated)

Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, I want to take you on a journey through the wonderful world of . If you've ever faced the frustration of tracking errors in your applications or wished for a tool that could help you continuously improve your code, then Rollbar might just be the answer you've been looking for. So, let's dive in and explore what Rollbar has to offer!

Rollbar Review: What is Rollbar?

Rollbar is a powerful error monitoring platform that goes beyond traditional crash reporting and error tracking. With Rollbar, you can proactively discover, predict, and resolve errors in real-time. Whether it's uncaught exceptions, slow response times, or application crashes, Rollbar has got your back. Their platform automates error response, ensuring happier customers and more productive development teams.

Rollbar Review: How can it be used?

Rollbar can be a game-changer for various user profiles, companies, and industries. Here are just a few examples of how Rollbar can be used:

  • Software Development Teams: Rollbar helps development teams catch and resolve errors wherever and whenever they happen, from testing to production. No need to wait for 100% test coverage or hesitate to release because of potential bugs. Rollbar's real-time error monitoring gives you the confidence to release more often and get features to market faster.
  • Engineering Managers: Rollbar provides valuable insights into code quality and helps teams understand their code better. With easily digestible metrics and historical trends, engineering managers can identify areas for improvement and take action to enhance their development practices.
  • QA/Testing Teams: Rollbar assists QA and testing teams in fixing failed or broken tests faster. With comprehensive error context, teams can quickly identify the root cause of errors and resolve them promptly.
  • Customer Support Teams: Rollbar enables customer support teams to resolve customer tickets sooner by providing real-time context on reported issues. With immediate access to error details, support teams can provide faster and more accurate resolutions.
  • Software Agencies: For software agencies, Rollbar acts as a valuable DevOps bridge, routing issues to the right team even at 3 a.m. This ensures prompt and efficient issue resolution, leading to happier clients and more successful projects.

Rollbar Review: Who is it for?

Rollbar is a versatile tool that caters to a wide range of users. Here's a quick breakdown of the user profiles that can benefit from Rollbar:

  • Software Development Teams: Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Rollbar can help development teams of all sizes improve their code and deliver high-quality software.
  • Engineering Managers: If you're responsible for managing a development team and want to ensure code quality and productivity, Rollbar can provide you with the insights you need.
  • QA/Testing Teams: If you're part of a QA or testing team and want to streamline your testing processes and catch errors faster, Rollbar is your go-to solution.
  • Platform/Ops Teams: Rollbar can assist platform or operations teams in identifying and resolving issues quickly, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing downtime.
  • Customer Support Teams: Rollbar helps customer support teams provide faster and more accurate resolutions to customer issues, resulting in improved customer satisfaction.
  • Software Agencies: For software agencies, Rollbar acts as a valuable DevOps bridge, ensuring efficient collaboration and issue resolution across multiple clients and projects.

Rollbar Features

Rollbar offers a wide range of features to help you monitor and improve your code. Let's take a look at some of the key features:

  • Discover: Rollbar goes beyond crash reporting and error tracking, providing instant and accurate alerts on all errors, including unhandled exceptions. Their automation-grade grouping uses machine learning to reduce noise and deliver error signals you can trust.
  • Prioritize: With Rollbar, you can instantly see the impact of crashes and errors, including which customers are affected and the browsers and IPs involved. This helps you prioritize and respond to critical issues quickly.
  • Resolve: Rollbar helps you eliminate bugs in record time by providing detailed error information, such as stack traces, local variables, telemetry, and suspect deploys. All the information you need to fix errors is available in one simple view.
  • Automate: Rollbar offers AI-assisted workflows that allow you to take immediate action on new and reactivated errors before they impact users. You can also create custom API or webhook-based workflows using their powerful rule engine.
  • Improve: Rollbar provides easily digestible metrics and historical trends to help you understand your code and take action to improve code quality. With Rollbar, you can reduce errors and enhance your development practices.

Rollbar Plans

If you're interested in learning more about Rollbar's pricing plans, I've written a more in-depth review about Rollbar's pricing at rollbar pricing. Check it out to find the plan that best suits your needs.

Rollbar Alternatives

If you're considering Rollbar but want to explore other options, here are a few alternatives worth considering:

  • Sentry: Sentry is a popular error monitoring and reporting platform that offers similar features to Rollbar. It's widely used and trusted by many developers.
  • Bugsnag: Bugsnag is another error monitoring tool that provides real-time error monitoring, crash reporting, and error tracking. It offers integrations with popular frameworks and platforms.
  • Airbrake: Airbrake is an error tracking tool that helps you detect and diagnose errors in your applications. It provides detailed error reports and supports various programming languages.
  • Honeybadger: Honeybadger is an exception, uptime, and cron monitoring service that offers features like real-time error reporting, performance monitoring, and deployment tracking.
  • Raygun: Raygun is an application monitoring and error tracking tool that helps you detect, diagnose, and resolve errors in your applications. It offers real-time error reporting and performance monitoring.

Rollbar Review: Pros & Cons

To give you a well-rounded view, let's take a look at the pros and cons of using Rollbar:


  • Comprehensive error monitoring and reporting
  • Real-time error alerts and insights
  • Automation-grade grouping to reduce noise
  • Customizable workflows and rule engine
  • Easily digestible metrics and historical trends for code improvement


  • Pricing can be a concern for small teams or startups
  • Learning curve for advanced features and integrations


If you're tired of tracking errors and want to continuously improve your code, Rollbar is your go-to solution. With its comprehensive error monitoring platform, Rollbar helps you proactively discover, predict, and resolve errors in real-time. Whether you're a software development team, engineering manager, QA/testing team, or customer support team, Rollbar has features tailored to meet your needs.

So, what are you waiting for? Start continuously improving your code today with Rollbar! And if you're hungry for more SaaS reviews, don't forget to check out my blog at saas blog.

Happy coding!


Upendra Varma

Upendra Varma

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