Quorum In-Depth Review: Features, Pricing & Alternatives (2023 Updated)

Hey there! Upendra Varma here, and today I'm going to take you through an in-depth review of Quorum, an amazing public affairs software that can make your life so much easier. Whether you're a policy wonk or just someone interested in staying informed about legislative changes, Quorum has got you covered. So let's dive in and explore all the features, pricing options, and alternatives that Quorum has to offer!

Quorum Review: What is Quorum

Quorum, a B2B SaaS product, is an all-in-one platform that helps you map, track, change, and report on your policy landscape. It's like having a personal assistant that keeps you updated on policy changes and helps you stay ahead of the game. You can find more information about Quorum on their website at quorum.us.

Quorum Review: How can it be used?

Quorum can be used in a variety of ways, depending on your needs and interests. If you're a government affairs professional, Quorum can help you track legislation, manage stakeholder relationships, and drive grassroots actions. On the other hand, if you're a business owner or a member of an advocacy group, Quorum can help you stay informed about policy changes that may affect your industry and enable you to take action accordingly.

With Quorum, you can easily monitor legislation and dialogue at the Federal, State, and European levels, manage your contacts and build new relationships, and engage advocates to drive targeted actions. The possibilities are endless!

Quorum Review: Who is it for?

Quorum is a versatile tool that caters to a wide range of users. Here are some profiles of users who can benefit from using Quorum:

  • Government affairs professionals
  • Business owners and industry associations
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Advocacy groups
  • Legal teams
  • Lobbyists

If you fall into any of these categories, Quorum can definitely make your life easier.

Quorum Features

Now, let's take a look at some of the incredible features Quorum offers:

  • Track Legislation: Never miss a mention of your issues across legislation, dialogue, and documents at the Federal, State, and European levels.
  • Manage Stakeholder Relationships: A one-stop shop to manage your contacts, build new relationships, and engage with stakeholders.
  • Drive Grassroots Actions: Acquire, educate, and activate advocates with quick-to-create, custom action centers to move the needle on your issues.
  • Bill & Legislative Tracking Software: Stay ahead of emerging policy developments with access to legislation and dialogue across Congress, all 50 states, and the EU.
  • Grassroots Advocacy Software: Engage advocates and drive targeted actions with grassroots advocacy software.
  • Stakeholder Management & Engagement Software: Easily manage relationships with one platform to organize, monitor, and report.
  • PAC Management Software: Collect donations, increase PAC participation, and file with ease.
  • Regulatory Tracking Software: Get real-time alerts and advocate for regulatory issues that may affect your bottom line.
  • Government Software: Get immediate alerts for legislation or news that could impact your agency, so you can prepare and react quickly.

These are just a few of the many features Quorum has to offer. Trust me, you'll be blown away by what this software can do!

Quorum Pricing

When it comes to pricing, Quorum offers different options depending on your needs. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the specific pricing details, but you can reach out to their sales team to get all the information you need. Just head over to their website and get in touch with them.

Quorum Alternatives

If you're looking for alternatives to Quorum, here are a few options you can consider:

  • CQ Roll Call: CQ Roll Call is a leading provider of news, analysis, and data on legislative and regulatory issues. Their platform offers comprehensive coverage of Congress, including lawmakers, legislation, and policy developments. It provides insights and intelligence to help organizations navigate the political landscape effectively.
  • FiscalNote: FiscalNote is a government relations and advocacy management platform that helps organizations track, analyze, and influence legislation and regulations. It offers features such as legislative tracking, stakeholder management, and grassroots advocacy tools. FiscalNote enables users to stay informed about policy changes and engage with policymakers to shape the legislative process.
  • Phone2Action: Phone2Action is a digital advocacy platform that empowers individuals and organizations to take action on important issues. It provides tools for mobilizing supporters, driving grassroots actions, and influencing public policy. With Phone2Action, users can easily create and launch advocacy campaigns, engage with legislators, and track the impact of their efforts.

For more information about these alternatives to Quorum, you can visit their respective websites.

Quorum Review: Pros & Cons

Now, let's talk about the pros and cons of using Quorum:


  • All-in-one platform for mapping, tracking, changing, and reporting on your policy landscape.
  • Real-time alerts and updates on legislation and policy changes.
  • Easy management of stakeholder relationships and grassroots advocacy.
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive design.


  • Pricing details not readily available.
  • Limited information on alternatives and competitive analysis.


In conclusion, Quorum is an incredible public affairs software that can help you stay informed, engaged, and ahead of the game. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, you'll be able to navigate the complex world of policy and legislation with ease.

If you're a policy wonk or someone who wants to make a difference in the public affairs arena, I highly recommend giving Quorum a try. And hey, while you're at it, don't forget to check out my blog at saas blog for more reviews of amazing SaaS products!

Stay informed, stay engaged, and let Quorum be your guiding light in the world of public affairs!


Upendra Varma

Upendra Varma

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