Endorsal In-Depth Review: Features & Alternatives (2023 Updated)

Hey there, fellow business owners and entrepreneurs! Today, I want to talk to you about a game-changing product that can revolutionize the way you collect, display, and share customer testimonials and reviews. Say hello to Endorsal!

Endorsal Review: What is Endorsal?

Endorsal is a B2B SaaS product that offers a comprehensive solution for collecting, managing, and leveraging customer testimonials and reviews. With Endorsal, you can streamline the entire process, saving time and money while increasing conversions, building customer loyalty, and strengthening your brand.

Sounds pretty amazing, right? Well, it gets even better. Let's dive into the details of how Endorsal can be used and who can benefit from it.

Endorsal Review: How can it be used?

Endorsal can be used in a variety of ways to enhance your business and boost your social proof. Whether you're a local business, an online business, a SaaS company, an e-commerce store, an e-learning platform, or a restaurant, Endorsal has got you covered.

Here are just a few examples of how Endorsal can be used:

  • Local Businesses: From florists to real estate agencies to dental clinics, reviews and testimonials can make a huge difference in growing your business. With Endorsal, you can collect reviews from platforms like Google, Facebook, Yelp, and Tripadvisor, and display them on your website.
  • Online Businesses: Building trust is crucial for online businesses, and social proof plays a big role in that. Endorsal allows you to manage your existing reviews and collect new ones, displaying them on your website and sharing them on social media.
  • SaaS Companies: Testimonials and reviews are gold for software companies. Endorsal can help you gather high-quality testimonials from your customers and display them on external review sites like Capterra or G2, or on your own marketing websites.
  • E-Commerce Stores: Want to sell more products? Displaying verified reviews next to your products can significantly increase conversions. Endorsal lets you collect and display product reviews, helping you build trust with your customers.
  • E-Learning Platforms: If you're in the business of selling online courses, you know that social proof is essential. Endorsal allows you to gather testimonials from your existing students and display their feedback in various ways, attracting new ones.
  • Restaurants: From getting found on Google, Tripadvisor, and Yelp to showing potential customers that you have lots of happy diners, Endorsal is here to help. Use AutoRequests to automatically collect new reviews and share your best ones on social media using Review Marketing.

Endorsal Review: Who is it for?

Endorsal caters to a wide range of users and customer profiles. Whether you're a small local business, a growing e-commerce store, or a well-established SaaS company, Endorsal can benefit you.

Here are some of the user profiles that can take advantage of Endorsal:

  • Local businesses, such as florists, real estate agencies, and dental clinics.
  • Online businesses, including e-commerce stores and e-learning platforms.
  • SaaS companies that rely on customer testimonials and reviews.
  • Restaurants looking to boost their online presence and reputation.
  • Any business that wants to collect, display, and share customer testimonials and reviews.

Endorsal Features

Endorsal offers a wide range of features that make it a powerful tool for collecting, managing, and leveraging customer testimonials and reviews. Let's take a look at some of the key features:

  • EndoForms: Build custom review forms to start collecting data. Choose the information you want to collect from your customers and customize the form to match your brand.
  • AutoRequests: Send automated review requests to your customers via email and SMS. Choose from high-converting, niche-based templates or create your own.
  • SuperLinks: Pre-fill forms with customer data, making it easier for customers to leave reviews.
  • ReviewHQ: Add a floating review widget to your website with just one line of code.
  • Widgets: Display reviews on any website, showcasing your social proof to potential customers.
  • Wall of Love: Wow your customers with an infinite page of reviews, showcasing the positive feedback you've received.
  • FOMO Popups: Timely notifications that convert, displaying recent reviews to create a sense of urgency.
  • Import from Other Platforms: Sync reviews from places like Google, Facebook, Yelp, and Tripadvisor, consolidating all your reviews in one place.
  • More Reviews on Other Platforms: Add any other service where you get reviews, further expanding your social proof.
  • Review Marketing: Automatically share your best reviews to social networks, amplifying your positive feedback and reaching a wider audience.

These are just a few of the features that make Endorsal a must-have tool for businesses looking to make the most of their customer testimonials and reviews.

Endorsal Plans

Now, I know you're probably wondering about the pricing of Endorsal. Don't worry, I've got you covered. I've written a more in-depth review about the pricing of Endorsal on my blog. Head over to endorsal pricing to learn more about the different plans and pricing options available.

Endorsal Alternatives

While Endorsal is an incredible product, it's always good to explore alternatives and find the one that best suits your needs.

Here are three alternatives to consider:

  1. Trustpilot: Trustpilot is a popular customer review platform that allows businesses to collect and display reviews from customers. It offers a range of features for managing and leveraging customer feedback.
  2. Yotpo: Yotpo is a customer content marketing platform that specializes in collecting and showcasing user-generated content, including reviews and testimonials. It offers tools for gathering feedback, generating social proof, and increasing conversions.
  3. ReviewTrackers: ReviewTrackers is a reputation management platform that helps businesses monitor, manage, and respond to customer reviews. It provides comprehensive insights into customer sentiment and allows for efficient review management across multiple platforms.
  4. Feefo: Feefo is a feedback and ratings platform that focuses on collecting verified customer reviews. It offers customizable review collection tools, detailed analytics, and integration options to showcase customer feedback effectively.

These alternatives provide different approaches to managing and leveraging customer testimonials and reviews, allowing businesses to choose the one that best fits their needs.

Endorsal Review: Pros & Cons

No product is perfect, and Endorsal is no exception. Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of using Endorsal:


  • Streamlines the process of collecting testimonials and reviews, saving time and effort.
  • Offers a wide range of features to customize and display reviews in a visually appealing way.
  • Integrates with popular review platforms, consolidating all your reviews in one place.
  • Allows for automation of review requests, making it easy to gather feedback from customers.
  • Provides tools for sharing reviews on social media, amplifying your positive feedback.


  • May not be suitable for businesses that don't rely heavily on customer testimonials and reviews.
  • Some features may require technical knowledge to implement and customize.
  • Pricing plans may not be affordable for small businesses with limited budgets.


And there you have it, an in-depth review of Endorsal and its features, pricing, and alternatives. Whether you're a local business, an online store, a SaaS company, or a restaurant, Endorsal has the tools you need to collect, display, and share customer testimonials and reviews.

If you're still on the fence about whether Endorsal is the right fit for your business, head over to my blog.


Upendra Varma

Upendra Varma

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