Upguard Pricing & Plans (2023 Updated)

Hey there! Upendra Varma here, and today we're going to dive into the exciting world of Upguard pricing. If you're looking for a B2B SaaS product that can help you manage your organization's security posture and vendor risk, then UpGuard might just be the perfect fit for you. So let's get started and explore the different plans and costs offered by UpGuard.

UpGuard Pricing: Plans

UpGuard offers a range of plans to cater to different needs and budgets. Let's take a closer look at each plan and what they include:


The Basic plan is a great starting point for individuals or small teams. It includes features such as unlimited domains, security ratings, vulnerability detection, executive reporting, and one user. Plus, you get unlimited vendor users included in this plan.


If you're managing multiple vendors, the Starter plan might be the right choice for you. It offers features like vendor security ratings, risk assessments & questionnaires, typosquatting and identity breach detection, and three users. You also get to monitor up to 50 vendors with this plan.


For larger teams and organizations, the Professional plan offers more advanced features. It includes monitoring up to 150 vendors, templates & co-branding options, an audit log to track changes, and six users.


If you're dealing with a substantial number of vendors, the Corporate plan has got you covered. It allows you to monitor up to 500 vendors and includes additional features like data leak detection, fourth-party risk assessment, and ten users.


The Enterprise plan is the top-tier plan offered by UpGuard. It provides unlimited vendor monitoring, unlimited data leak detection, subsidiary monitoring, designated support, and a whopping 30 users. This plan is perfect for large enterprises with complex security needs.

UpGuard Pricing: Which plan to pick?

Now that we've gone through the different plans, you might be wondering which one to choose. Well, it depends on your specific needs and budget.

If you're just starting out or have a small team, the Basic or Starter plans should suffice. They offer essential features at an affordable price point.

For larger teams or organizations with a considerable number of vendors, the Professional or Corporate plans provide more advanced features and the ability to monitor a higher number of vendors.

If you're a large enterprise with complex security requirements, the Enterprise plan offers unlimited vendor monitoring and data leak detection, along with additional features and a higher user limit.

UpGuard Pricing: Is it for you?

Now, you might be wondering if UpGuard is the right fit for you. Well, it depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Here are a few user profiles that might find UpGuard particularly beneficial:

  • Small Business Owners: If you're a small business owner looking to manage the security of your own organization, the Basic or Starter plans would be a great choice. They offer the essential features you need without breaking the bank.
  • IT Managers: If you're an IT manager responsible for managing vendor risk and security, the Professional or Corporate plans would be ideal. These plans offer advanced features and allow you to monitor a significant number of vendors.
  • Enterprise Security Teams: If you're part of an enterprise security team with complex security requirements, the Enterprise plan is the way to go. It provides unlimited vendor monitoring, data leak detection, subsidiary monitoring, and designated support.

If you want to learn more about UpGuard and its features, I've written an in-depth review article on my blog. You can find it upguard review.


In conclusion, UpGuard offers a range of plans to suit different needs and budgets. Whether you're a small business owner, an IT manager, or part of an enterprise security team, UpGuard has a plan that can help you manage your security posture and vendor risk effectively.

If you want to explore more SaaS reviews and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, make sure to check out my blog at saas blog. Happy secure browsing!


Upendra Varma

Upendra Varma

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