40 demos a month. One of the best LinkedIn B2B case studies.

40 demos a month. One of the best LinkedIn B2B case studies.

In this article, I deeply analyse how Joran of Reditus is using cold outreach on LinkedIn to book around 40 demos a week, with connection sent to demo booked rate around 5%. I analyse his product, what he has to offer & how he induces curiosity while he reach out to cold leads on LinkedIn. […]

3X revenue in 12 months. A B2B SEO case study on high intent keywords

In this article, I analyse how a B2B SaaS founder has tripled his revenue in an year using SEO. This case study will talk about how focusing on high intent keywords for SEO can help B2B companies successfully implement their SEO strategy. Read on to find how this B2B SEO case study can help you […]