Funnelll Pricing & Plans (2023 Updated)

Hey there! Upendra Varma here, and today we're going to dive into the exciting world of Funnelll pricing. If you're like me, you love to find the best deals and get the most bang for your buck. Well, you're in luck because Funnelll offers a range of plans to suit every budget and need. So, let's jump right in!

Funnelll Pricing: Plans

Funnelll offers four different pricing plans to choose from. Whether you're just starting out or you're a data-driven powerhouse, there's a plan for you. Let's take a closer look at each one:


Yep, you read that right! Funnelll offers a Free plan for those who want to dip their toes into the world of analytics and reporting. With this plan, you'll get access to features like the Funnels and Journeys dashboard, Paid Traffic dashboard, Organic Traffic dashboard, Visitor dashboard, and Insights Q&A dashboard. It's the perfect option for those who want to get a taste of what Funnelll has to offer without breaking the bank.


If you're ready to take your analytics game to the next level, the Starter plan might be just what you need. Starting at $39 per month, this plan includes all the features of the Free plan, plus automatic and no-code tracking. You'll be able to track all the actions your customers take on your website effortlessly. It's a great option for small businesses or individuals who want to get serious about their data.


For those of you who are ready to grow your business and make data-driven decisions, the Growth plan is the way to go. Starting at $59 per month, this plan includes everything in the Starter plan, as well as unique customer tracking, overage after tracking quota, pinned events, and data imports. You'll have all the tools you need to analyze your marketing performance and drive growth.

Data Led

Last but certainly not least, we have the Data Led plan. This plan is for the big players who want to go all-in on their data strategy. Starting at $119 per month, the Data Led plan includes all the features of the Growth plan, plus integrations to link your marketing accounts and improve data quality. If you're serious about taking your data analysis to the next level, this plan is for you.

Funnelll Pricing: Which plan to pick?

Now that we've covered the different plans, you might be wondering which one is right for you. Well, it depends on your specific needs and budget. If you're just starting out and want to get a feel for Funnelll, the Free plan is a great place to start. Once you're ready to dive deeper into your data, you can upgrade to the Starter plan.

If you're a small business or individual looking to take your analytics to the next level, the Starter plan is a solid choice. It gives you all the essential features you need to make data-driven decisions without breaking the bank.

For those of you who are ready to scale and grow your business, the Growth plan is the way to go. It offers additional features like unique customer tracking and data imports that can help you unlock valuable insights and drive growth.

And finally, if you're a data-driven powerhouse and want to go all-in on your data strategy, the Data Led plan is the best option. With integrations and advanced features, you'll have everything you need to supercharge your analytics.

Funnelll Pricing: Is it for you?

Now, you might be wondering if Funnelll is the right fit for you. Well, the answer depends on your specific needs and goals. Funnelll is a powerful tool that can benefit a wide range of users, from small businesses to large enterprises.

If you're a marketer, Funnelll can help you visualize customer journeys, analyze the performance of your advertising campaigns, and uncover valuable insights about your audience. It's a must-have tool for anyone looking to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing efforts.

For product managers, Funnelll can provide valuable insights into user behavior, help identify bottlenecks in the user journey, and guide product improvements. It's a game-changer for those who want to build products that truly meet their customers' needs.

And for executives and business owners, Funnelll can help you track the performance of your marketing efforts, identify opportunities for growth, and make informed business decisions. It's a powerful tool that can give you the edge you need to stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

So, whether you're a marketer, product manager, executive, or business owner, Funnelll has something to offer you. Check out my in-depth review article of Funnelll on my blog at funnelll review to learn more.


In conclusion, Funnelll offers a range of pricing plans to suit every budget and need. Whether you're just starting out or you're a data-driven powerhouse, Funnelll has a plan for you. So, go ahead and give it a try! And while you're at it, don't forget to check out my blog at saas blog for other SaaS reviews and insights.

Happy analyzing!


Upendra Varma

Upendra Varma

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